Paige Hoffmann

The term "Hero" is sometimes overused these days. However, in the case of Grandview senior Paige Hoffmann, the moniker fits quite nicely. Paige is a Mineral Area College EMT Program graduate and has completed the Junior Firefighters Academy with the Sullivan Fire District. Over the weekend, Paige and her crew battled a brush fire off Highway A at Dogwood Rd. and Sugar Tree Rd. Her and her crew's efforts helped avoid injuries to other crews dealing with the steep terrain.  

Following the fire, Paige was rushed to Children's Hospital in St. Louis for complications from smoke inhalation. She is expected to recover completely.

Paige's crew is composed of herself and four other members of her own family. A complete account of the event can be found on the Richwoods Fire Protection District Facebook page at:

Eagle Nation is extremely proud of Paige and is thankful for her, her family/crew, and all who choose to serve their communities as first responders.